With sweet & spicy seasoning.
어린시절 향수를 자극하는 매콤 달콤한 양념치킨.
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Whole RM 56 | Half RM 28
Fried chicken using rice flour.
쌀통닭의 대표메뉴! 고소하고 담백한 쌀
파우더로 튀긴 바삭바삭한 후라이드
Whole RM 52 | Half RM 27
Fried chicken thighs. Boneless.
한입에 먹기 편하고 깔끔해서 인기만점!
담백하고 바삭한 우리 아이 영양간식.
Whole RM 59 | Half RM 31
Chicken with yogurt salad and ice cream.
바삭한 쌀통닭 순살과 달콤한 요거트 소스와
풍성한 야채를 듬뿍
Whole RM 64 | Half RM 33
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Whole RM 55 | Half RM 26
(Spicy Sauce / Jambalaya) ( 핫소스 / 잠발라야 )
Chicken on a griddle menu. Spicy taste!
핫소스 - 촉촉한 육즙에 매콤한 맛까지 어우러진 치킨!
잠발라야 - 매콤달콤한 소스와 치킨의 조화가 일품인 치킨!
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Whole RM 68 | Half RM 35
Roasted chicken + welsh onion salad + sauce
대파+로스트치킨 새콤한 초소스로 버무린
아삭한 야채와 쫄깃 담백한 로스트 치킨.
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Whole RM 64 | Half RM 31
*Additional Welsh Onion 파 추가 RM 6
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Small RM 20 | Large RM 38
Price RM 48
* Additional Noodle 라면사리 RM 7
Seafood RM 30 | Pork RM 26
Tuna , Pork , Chicken
Price RM 28
*Steamed Rice 파 추가 RM 3
* Additional Noodle 라면사리 RM 7
*Kimchi 파 추가 RM 1
Price RM 42 | Half RM 31
* Additional Noodle 라면사리 RM 7
Price RM 12
Small RM 10 | Large RM 18
Price RM 15
Price RM 18
Seafood Green Onion
Price RM 26
Seafood Leek
Price RM 26
Price RM 18
Fried Wings 4 pcs
Choose 1) Sauced Boneless 2 pcs
Choose 2) Sauced Boneless 2pcs
Mild | Spicy | Soy | Jambalaya | Garlic
Price RM 36
Roasted Wings 4 pcs
Crunch Boneless 2 pcs
Crunch Mild Boneless 2pcs
Price RM 34
Price RM 22
Price RM 18
Price RM 16
Price RM 16
Price RM 18
Price RM 17
*Additional Topping 추가 토핑 RM 3 (Chicken / Tuna / Egg)
Price RM 22
Price RM 22
Price RM 20
*Choose noodle or rice
Price RM 18
Price RM 18
Strawberry | Mango | Blueberry
Price RM 20
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Price RM 48
With sweet soy sauce (Korean style).
달콤 짭쪼름한 맛이 일품!
간장소스로 맛을 낸 양념치킨!
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Sweet, sour and chili sauce.
미국 루지애나 스타일 칠리소스
(새콤, 달콤, 매콤한 맛)
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Whole RM 49 | Half RM 24
Garlic sauce with Chili padi.
갈릭소스에 칠리파디를 넣어 매콤한 맛
Half size Mixture 7 pcs | Boneless 8 pcs | Wings 10 pcs
Collagen rich! Crispy chicken wings!
콜라겐이 듬뿍! 피부미인을 꿈꾼다면
바삭하고 고소한 영양만점 쌀통닭 날개!
Whole RM 58 | Half RM 29
Relax, head on down to OFC and enjoy the highest quality, healthy and tasty chicken cuisine we have to offer in Southeast Asia and around the world.